Lemonade with Mint Tea | A classic with a new touch


What could be better than a glass of ice cold lemonade on a hot spring day? Water, sugar and lemon juice…while life has been handing out lemons across the wide world, people have been making lemonade.

“If life gives you lemons, make lemonade”


History of lemonade

Did you know that lemonade dates back thousands of years? The story goes that lemons originated in Asia and were brought to Egypt in 700 AD. “Qatarmizat” was introduced, a lemon juice-based drink, sweetened with sugar.

In the 17th century, lemonade became fashionable in Paris: water, lemon juice and honey. Vendors offered it on the street, with wooden tanks put behind them. The idea was exported throughout Europe, and as early as the 18th century, Johann Schweppe, a German-Swiss jeweller, developed a method of carbonating water on a large scale… and Schweppes fizzy lemonade was born.

It seems that lemonade hasn’t changed much in the last few thousand years. There have only been some interesting additions like using carbonated water or original recipes like pink lemonade… but always quite yummy. What about you? Do you dare to invent your own lemonade recipe? We give you one recipe that will surely quench your thirst, and refresh you especially on hot spring or summer days.



Lemonade with organic Mint Tea


  • 8 lemons + 1 lemon to decorate
  • 4 tablespoons of cane sugar
  • 2 Semper Tea organic mint tea bags
  • fresh mint to garnish


Infuse the mint tea bags in a large cup of hot water at 100º for about 8 minutes. Let it be a concentrated infusion. Add the sugar and stir until well dissolved. Let it cool. Prepare the juice with the 8 lemons and cut slices with the other one.

In a jug mix the Semper Tea mint tea infusion with the lemon juice, add more water, lots of ice, add the lemon slices and garnish with some fresh mint leaves.

Our tip: to calculate how much lemonade with mint tea to make, the ideal ratio is 2 lemons, 1 tablespoon of sugar and ¼ cup of mint tea per person.

For a MORE ADULT touch, a shot of vodka or gin is not bad at all.

If you dare to prepare our recipe, be sure to share it on our social networks (like Facebook or Instagram)  and tell us how much you liked it.


Semper Tea organic mint infusion

Mint Tea is a tisane made from mint leaves and consumed as a tea. It is very refreshing and does not contain caffeine, a delicious cup to enjoy after dinner. Mint tea is wonderful hot and cold.

Like all tea varieties in our range, Semper Tea mint tea is certified organic. It comes from agricultural and processing facilities that are inspected annually by government and private agencies and comply with European regulations. Organic farming guarantees sustainable agriculture, focused on the health of the soil and the preservation of the environment. It guarantees, that the product has been produced naturally, without the use of agricultural chemicals.

Semper Tea is a manufacturer and wholesaler of organic teas, especially aimed at the horeca sector. Organic teas for hotels, cafés and the catering industry with customized solutions. Different organic tea lines offer biodegradable pyramid bags, individually packaged as well as classic tea sachets, enveloped. Semper Tea offers high quality organic teas in attractive and sustainable packaging.


And, remember, if you’re a tea lover, you can follow our social networks Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or Linkedin in which we will be sharing new information, ideas and recipes.

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