4 Amazing Health Benefits of Pu erh Tea – Power in red

Pu-erh Tea: Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects, and More

Pu-erh tea or also commonly known as red tea, comes from the plant called camellia sinensis. Blue tea, green tea, white tea, Pu-erh tea and black tea are all extracted from this plant.
Depending on the fermentation or treatment that the tea plant has had, each variety has different characteristics and properties. But what they all have in common is the antioxidant property that helps fighting free radicals in the body.

What is Pu-erh tea?

A special fermentation which is only given to this kind of tea gives it a series of beneficial properties.
After harvesting, the tea leaves are allowed to slightly wilt for a few hours and then go through the fixing process that prevents enzymatic oxidation. The still hot leaves are rolled up and dried in the sun for several hours. In this way, a raw tea is obtained that is steamed and left in loose leaves. Once in its final shape, the tea is stored in cellars under controlled conditions of temperature and humidity for several years. Pu-Erh tea leaves have a coppery colour.

Beneficial properties of pu erh tea

Beneficial properties of Pu-erh tea

We agree that drinking tea every day is highly recommended for everyone. And more knowing that it brings us many benefits for the body. But especially Pu-erh tea has many beneficial properties. In China, the benefits of Pu-erh tea have been known for thousands of years. It is used as medicine; it prevents diseases and helps to achieve a balanced health. Here are some of its properties:

Regulates cholesterol and helps to lose weight

Several studies have shown that regular consumption of Pu erh tea stimulates digestion in high-fat meals and regulates cholesterol levels.

What is pu-erh tea?

Has numerous diuretic properties

Drinking a cup of red Pu-erh tea a day serves as a very effective diuretic, aids digestion, lowers cholesterol and helps to achieve the desired weight.

Central nervous system support

Tea is considered to be capable of preventing neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, that affect the central nervous system causing cognitive disorders. It can help people with mild depression by acting on the central nervous system.
It helps to reduce blood glucose, so its consumption is adequate in case of diabetes, as long as it is not in excessive amounts.

Regulates cholesterol and helps to lose weight

Helps improve intestinal flora

The diversity of bacteria present in Pu-erh tea is due to the fermentation process, unique and characteristic of this type of tea. Some of the bacteria help regulate the gastrointestinal micro flora and strengthen our immune system. Very useful in protecting our body against infections.
It is purifying and detoxifying and helps to eliminate toxins. Above all it is very useful for those hangover days … it can be an auxiliary treatment because it helps the metabolism against alcohol.

Pu-erh tea is NOT recommended for people with high blood pressure. In this case, it is preferable not to drink it and opt for some other tea.

Pu-erh Tea: Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects, and More

Organic Pu-erh online

The Semper Tea online shop offers organic loose-leaf Pu-erh tea in biodegradable pyramid bags. You will love it, as this tea variety has a sweet and soft aroma due to the added natural vanilla. Have a try, you´ll enjoy it.

Visit our tea shop online and discover our two tea lines:

Semper Tea is a well known tea supplier for hotels, restaurants, cafés and specialised food shops.

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